Let's We Know... »» (?)

Lirik Lagu Souljah_In A Fiyah

its like that i and i had told all the things that u fold
its surely had a fellin dat its strictly not to go
for da sake of da time and me tell it once again
to forgot all da heatin dat its beatin on your call

*and i feel, its real, me thrill, u know
 later dat night and me thinkin of u
 and i feel, its real, me thrill, u know
 hold it lover boy and your acting like a fool

reff      : me in a fiya me flyin up so hiya
             me in a fiya me bunin ol desiya
             me in a fiya me flyin up so hiya
             me in a fiya me bunin ol desiya

its like that i and i had sing wit all da thing through my life
da thingy thing sing like a heartbreak kid
me mind is it very love forget it or not
omigosh and its burnin to da turnin of their spot

back to * reff


me heart deactivate it was suddenly dead by the time you popped up me could not see greyish cloud
me eyes that you stared me heart that got scared if lovin that you feelin me refusin any vain you are
you are me prince ina mornin could be me man ina longin breakfast you served seed a lil love inside of me
can i beg you stay for more day and night on the shore
i never get enough to me the world had been so rough

Artist: Souljah
Album: Bersamamu
Year: 2006